A faster paced , dynamic, whole body practice.
Connect your breath with movement as you move through poses designed to connect you to your body and mind.
Leave feeling strong, energised and restored.
slow flow yoga
A slower paced class with poses broken down more.
This class is suitable for beginners to Yoga, those in need of more modifications to their practice or just for when you want to slow down.
The perfect class to down regulate the nervous system, to bring the body and mind back into harmony.
Barre is a dance-fitness method innovated by Lotte Berk, London, 1959. Berk’s mission was to give non-dancers a dancer’s body. Moreover, Berk’s classes were known to be challenging, fun, and for giving the women who practiced a sense of empowerment. Today, Barre is commonly known to integrate principles of ballet, Pilates, and yoga. Barre uses a form of fitness training called specificity, a term that references exercises that target one muscle group at a time to fatigue. In Barre practices, both isometric and range-of-movement exercises are combined and set to music.
Barre improves muscle strength, tone, control, posture, and boost confidence in practitioners.
Our Barre classes are suitable for beginner to all levels of clients.